Game Overview

Expand your territory and conquer the world! Gather resources to fuel your growth and strengthen your army. Note: This game is more of a technical demo than a fully polished experience, and the gameplay hasn't been extensively tested.


  • Move: Left-click and drag to move your view.
  • Direct Expansion: Right-click to place or remove target points, guiding your colony's expansion.
  • Zoom: Use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out.


You are in charge of helping the golden colony dominate and eliminate the other colonies. Your task is to direct the colony’s expansion towards resource-rich areas, ensuring faster and stronger growth than your competitors. To guide your colony, place coordinate markers that determine the direction of expansion. Once your colony is sufficiently developed, you can use the same targeting mechanism to launch attacks against rival colonies.


  • The game loosely fits the theme "built to scale." My goal was to create a casual strategy game with exponential growth within a vast, detailed simulated world, but I was constrained by the 2GB memory limit of Emscripten.
  • Due to limited time, the gameplay is simplified, with several bugs. A resource management and upgrade system was partially developed but ultimately had to be scrapped.


  • RayLib: A simple and easy-to-use library for game programming by raysan5. Licensed under the Zlib License.
  • DearImGui: A bloat-free graphical user interface for C++ with minimal dependencies by ocornut. Licensed under the MIT License.
  • rlImGui: A Raylib integration with DearImGui by JeffM2501. Licensed under the Zlib License.
  • Perlin Simplex Noise C++ Implementation: (1D, 2D, 3D) by Sebastien Rombauts (2014-2018). Licensed under the MIT License.
  • Hazy Dark ImGui Theme: Created by Kaitabuchi314. Licensed under the MIT License.


  • 141 Military Icons Set by Licensed under the CC-BY 3.0 license.
  • Tiny Battle by kenney. Licensed under the Creative Commons CC0 license.
  • Pixel Food! by henrysoftware.


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I like the concept but:

a. A tutorial would be nice
b. What does this have to do with the theme??

I've updated the description with a tutorial.

My goal was to create a casual strategy game that emphasizes the shift in gameplay dynamics as you progress from small-scale beginnings to large-scale domination.